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Things to consider before starting your ad campaign.


While starting with a new campaign, a media planner needs to study more about the minute details of campaign and targeting to make the campaign a success and generate more ROI.

Define your advertising goals

There are majorly two types of advertising goals: Branding & Performance
Performance based goals can be linked to increase the sale, gather leads, increase subscribers or similar such objectives. These goals will have some definite back goals to achieve and are more focused on the spends and the ROI.
Branding goals are more concerned about increasing the brand awareness or improving the brand image. In online advertising, branding goals are generally linked to the number of views and interactions with the ads.

Know your Target Audience

Identify the target market and develop an effective marketing strategy to reach the end users who can be interested in your product. Target by age, gender, interest, demographics, psychographic and other habits of the customers which can be leveraged in accurately targeting them.
Knowing who your customer are, is great, but knowing how they behave is even better – Jon Miller

Understand the channels and devices where your audience is.

Find out on which platform your customers are spending more time and which platform is suitable for your product.
Youth spend more time on social media websites like FB, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat. Professionals spend their time more on Emails, LinkedIn, and other professional websites. You should choose the platform according to product, company and target audience.

Calculate forehand what ROI are you expecting

Every advertising goal is directly or indirectly linked to the expected ROI. Define your bids in such a way that you will efficiently achieve the ROI. Return on Ad Spends (ROAS) is also one of the best bidding practices which helps to bid considering your selling price and ad spends. If your selling price is $150 and you wish to spend $15 on the advertisement then your ROAS value will be: (150/15)*100= 1000%

Relevant, Attractive creatives and Ad copy

Creatives and Ad copy is the first thing your customer will notice; make it relevant and interactive. Most ad creatives in the digital world gets lesser than 1 sec attention time span. Your creatives should be accurate enough to attract customers attention.
Innovative ad formats will drive a 14% annual growth in display advertising.

Quick Loading landing page

4% of people on mobile would abandon the page if it doesn’t load in 5 seconds. Optimizing the landing page for speed will have a bigger impact on campaign conversions. Almost 60-80% of website traffic comes from mobile devices so make your landing pages and websites mobile friendly and responsive.


Retargeting gives your site visitors a reminder of your brand and product. It positively affects the buying decision. As a result, you get loyal customers, leads, deposits, downloads and signups in lesser time.
Types of retargeting list 

  • People visiting your website
  • People visiting a specific page on your website
  • Email ID, Contact Number
  • Search retargeting: People searching for your products
  • Cart abundant list
  • Payment initiated but dropout from the process

Website visitors who are Retargeted with ads are 70% more likely to get converted.

Ad Formats

Engage with your targeted customers across all devices, on websites, mobile sites and mobile apps, flawlessly and hassle free with high impact engagement ads. Make the ad creatives in all possible sizes and test for the best performing ad sizes. Enhance customer experience and generate highest brand awareness out of your campaigns. The more attractive and innovative your advertisement is, the more chances it has of being remembered by the audience.

Track as much as you possibly can

Track every activity of your audience at a granular level.

  • Time spent on the landing page
  • Average Time taken to fill the form or to purchase any item
  • Page load time
  • Best performing creative on different devices
  • Specific time when traffic increases on the website
  • Interest and affinity of your audience
  • Websites from where you are getting the traffic
  • Country and location
  • Audience lifecycle
  • Audience lifetime value
  • Steps to achieve before achieving the final goal
  • Retargeting lists

Analyze your reports, factor in all your numbers when you make a decision.