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It’s Time to Rebuild Your Digital Advertising Strategy: Consider The User First


A series of digital innovations have made it conceivable for advertisers to reach global audiences with unparalleled speed and accuracy. Gradually, it has become clear that the entire media ecosystem has elapsed a vital piece of the riddle: the real, live human beings who look at the ads we serve them. After years of ad experiences that are unsuitable to the user, it’s no surprise that more and more of them are turning to ad-blocking software to ignore these messages.

If the digital advertising industry doesn’t want customers to tune out entirely, they need to start putting the user first, by delivering creative, persuasive solutions. After all, even the world’s finest data-targeting and media-buying tools will be eventually useless if no one is paying attention to it.

Digital advertising requires new feed for a mobile-first, user-controlled world:

Digital-Advertising-1st-para-revisedWhen the web was first evolving, brands reached customers exclusively on desktop devices. Direct response advertisers were the first to embrace digital and primarily with the notion of getting them to click a link that led them to a website, perhaps to a product online.

Now let’s focus on e-commerce business where ad formats like pop-ups and banners are used more. Those were designed to get people’s attention at all costs. While they grew over the years, advertisers and brands started transporting ads made out for the desktop to mobile devices, from big screen to small screen sizes, etc. However, these ads made user even more troublesome.

Users’ Experience with ads


A common hindrance among customers is that ads can be invasive and there are too many ads on a page. The ads shown should be more relevant to the content of the website and should not be too loud to distract users from the content. Some sites overload the page with too many ad units that intrude on customer’s ability to acquire and appreciate the content. Only then can digital advertising be a step in the right direction.

User experience is just as important as a visual identity. It doesn’t matter what your site or app looks like if customer don’t know how to interact with it. And likewise, they need to enjoy that interaction too. To be successful, advertisers must acknowledge the user’s power by developing creative solutions that are entertaining and correctly aligned with the mobile devices people are spending more and more of their time with.

All new ideal and interactive ad formats will create better digital environments:

Luckily, there is a way to stop this strike of boredom and negligence. In fact, many companies in our industry are already started jamming and building exciting ad formats designed with the user’s best interests in mind. For instance, the digital advertising trade group IAB has spent the past year developing new ad units that can be used across publishers and devices as part of its LEAN Initiative.

Significantly, these formats are being curated with an eye toward making them non-invasive, lightweight and opt-in — giving people an option of whether they want to engage with an ad that won’t take too long to load or exhaust their monthly data supply.

Cross-Device and Cross Platform Targeting and retargeting

Tracking customers on cross devices is essential. Advertisers should understand all customers are using multiple platforms to surf the internet. It is important to target your audience on all the platforms and devices. For example, suppose the product is still there on ecommerce app’s cart soon the customer will start seeing ads on all other platform like, desktop, mobile and other sites.

With top-notch social media platforms advertisers, can easily build immersive, scrollable experiences that load directly within the company’s mobile app when people tap on them inside the News Feed. In the meantime, Snapchat has leveraged its insanely popular camera to help brands create their own custom filters. Each of these formats gives the user’s mobile experience top priority while allowing the customer to control how they engage with the ad.